The Best Places to Meet Women

Alright so you’re out of college and you basically realize that it is a lot harder to meet women now that you have graduated college and most likely are starting to work in the real world, or whatever it is that you’re doing. It was very easy to meet women in college, they were flocking everywhere. If you’re like me you’re probably realizing that it definitely takes some effort in putting yourself out there to meet women in your twenties. Here below I want to give you a few places which I think are a great place to meet women, and which I have experienced firsthand myself in my life.

1.) Friends of Friends

This is what I call a safe zone place to meet new women. Most of the time you’ll have many friends who have friends then they have friends and so on….you get the point. But here’s the thing, any opportunity you have, let’s say you’re invited to a pre-game, house warming party whatever opportunity it is, TAKE IT! This is probably one of the best ways to meet women. Now, you’re probably saying well you know Will I don’t have that many friends where I can constantly meet new people. Well here’s the thing you have to put yourself out there. You don’t always have to hang out with the same group of friends all the time. I actually advise against that. Make new friends constantly. Branching out and putting yourself out there will definitely help you meet more people. And as a result you’ll grow from this experience, make new friends, and possibly get a few dates out of it. It’s not so much about meeting women, but meeting new people in general.

2.) Bars/Nightclubs

Yes, this one is obvious if you’re someone in your twenties and you still enjoy going out to bars and nightclubs. Don’t get me wrong I love going out and having a good time with my friends, but I don’t go out with the sole purpose to meet women. I do it to have a good time with my friends or whatever group I am with. If I happen to see an attractive woman that I would like to get know, I will go approach her. Yes, this is definitely hard for most men just going up and approaching, it takes practice. I am still working on getting better and better at it myself. As Coach Corey Wayne says, “repetition is the mother of skill.” Just keep doing it. Bars and nightclubs are great spots to meet women, but don’t resort yourself to only that setting.

3.) Work

This is always a dicey area. But, yes if you’re in an office environment or any type of environment where there are males and females, something will probably happen. I’ve seen many friends and relatives of mine develop a romantic relationship with someone they worked with. Let’s face it, you spend a lot of time with people you work with and there is a good chance a romantic relationship can develop from that. All I advise is, proceed with caution. We spend most of our lives working and if you’re around the people you work with frequently, conversations will most likely move past work talk.

4.) Meetups/Activities

Here’s a great one. Look at your life and see what you enjoying doing the most. This can be biking, personal development seminars, cooking, wine/beer tastings, etc. Most of the time when you do the activities you enjoy, you’ll meet others who share that same passion, which will result in a connection and common interests. If you don’t know where to look just hop on the web and check out your city and see what type of events/meetups are going on. I have used, but there are many resources out there. Explore the city you live in! If you live in a major city in the world, there will constantly being events going on. It’s such a great opportunity to make new friends and meet women.

5.) Volunteer Groups

Now, don’t volunteer just because you want to meet women. Volunteer for a cause you truly care about. Going back to the previous paragraph, when you volunteer for an organization you truly care about you will ultimately connect with other people there, some may which be women, who you can ask out on dates. I most recently started volunteering as a financial coach for people trying to get a handle on their finances. It’s always a great thing to give back and you’ll meet a ton of people doing it and make some great connections. It feels good to volunteer, and if it’s something you genuinely care about you’ll really enjoy yourself.

Meeting women comes down to meeting new people. Women aren’t going to come knocking on your door and wait for you. Say yes to everything, and focus on meeting interesting people. Your network will expand, and as a result you’ll make new friends and meet some pretty amazing women.

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