Dating Is About Understanding Yourself

Dating is about understanding yourself. Many of us go through multiple relationships throughout our lives and date many people, and that’s completely okay if you’re one of those people. Many of us get married and stay married until the day we die, and that’s completely okay too.

Whatever it is you choose to do with your dating life, just know that it’s all about understanding yourself, and who you are as a person. The whole purpose of any relationship is to grow as a person, but more importantly to help the other person grow as well while working together as a team. As you date many people you will learn more about yourself, such as what you are looking for in a person and what you are not. I have dated many women up until this point in my life at the age of twenty four and have realized a lot about myself, and what it is exactly I am looking for in a long term partner. Some things you might realize about yourself when you’re dating someone is what your core values are and do they align with the others persons.

Such as, what’s their view on money? What is their view on children? What is their view on life in general? What is their view towards religion and politics? What is their view on health? These are just a few I mentioned above, but when you begin dating someone it’s important to figure out another’s values early on in an any relationship. The earlier you figure out someone’s values the more open you both can be with each other about what you need and expect in a relationship. I found out in my previous relationships that a lot of the values I was looking for were not aligning with the current person I was with. You might hear people say, “well it’s too early to be asking all these serious questions when you first start dating someone.” Well, as a human being wouldn’t you want to know if your values align with this person you are attracted to and get along with. I think the answer would be a YES! Example: if you are a person who works out and puts health at the top of his or her agenda, wouldn’t you want to date someone who cares about their body and health. The answer would probably be “YES!”

Chances are you won’t be able to date someone who doesn’t care about their body and health as much as you do. So it’s important to find a medium. You both need to be interested in similar things and have similar values and goals. The few questions I mentioned in the above paragraph are questions you should definitely discuss with your partner to see if your values and goals align but the questions will ultimately bring you closer together.

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