First Date Tips

Dating has definitely changed over the past few decades. We now have online dating apps where pretty much everyone you talk to is using them frequently. With in depth reviews, Consumers Advocate published a great article on “Best Online Dating Sites” you can find on their site. This comprehensive guide covers online dating sites and what features and services they have to offer.

Dating apps and services are something that people are using everyday. It could be the working professional who just doesn’t have time to meet people, or your every day person who enjoys having access to multiple people with the ability to connect quickly. In society, we now have a fantastic new term called “ghosting” where the person you may be talking to or potentially going on a date with, just stops responding. I’ll admit I’ve done this to women, and women have done it to me. It really just plain sucks, and you’ll sit there asking yourself, “where did I go wrong, or what could I have done different?” I’m sure it has happened to most of you, but I want to help you to avoid it after a first date. In this article I’m going to discuss great first date tips to keep in mind when meeting someone for the first time in person from an online dating service or meeting someone on a first date who you have already met before.

1.) Show up on time

This is probably one of the implest tips to follow. Just show up on time. The person you’re meeting is taking time out of their night/schedule to get to know you. It just shows a sign of respect to the other person you’re meeting and it shows them you respect their time.

2.) Pay attention to your body language

Notice how you’re sitting when you’re meeting the person you’re on a date with. Don’t be slouched in your chair or have your elbows on the table, it’s just a general rule of courtesy. Sit back straight in your chair and be prepared to listen and ask questions.

3.) Come prepared with stories and questions

Don’t sit there and talk about yourself the entire time, this goes for both men and women. Ask interesting questions that really create and emotional response in the person you’re meeting. Ask about their childhood, what they’re passionate about, hobbies, what gets them going, etc. When asking a question even follow up with another question. This is where the listening plays a part.

4.) Listen

One of the most important tips to remember. Just be present with your date and listen. Don’t interrupt them when they’re talking, I know people get very excited when they’re connecting with someone on a date, but keep in mind to be present and listen.

5.) Relax

All it is is two people meeting out and seeing if they’re compatible and connect. Get yourself in a positive mindset before the date and have no expectations and just focus on having fun with the other person.

6.) Who pays for the date

I still think if the man initiated the first date then he should be the one to pay. I’ve always paid for the first date when I met a woman out for a date. Sometimes, women do offer to split the bill, which is a really nice gesture, but I still pay anyway. I know men really appreciate that when a woman offers to pay.

7.) Dress nice

This obviously goes for both men and women, but dress nice. The first thing the other person is going to look at is your clothes and then the next thing is what comes out of your mouth when you talk. But, dress nice, it will make a good first impression.

8.) Don’t drink too much

Yeah, everyone sometimes goes overboard, but learn how to control your drinking on a first date. I’ve always kept it under two drinks, depending on how the date is going and if you go to multiple spots.

There are obviously more tips for first dates with someone, but those are the eight above that I wanted to highlight that are important to keep in mind. And remember to check out the online dating guide at Consumers Advocate for insight on dating sites and the services they offer!

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