The Best Apps To Use For Personal Finance

There are thousands of apps on your iPhone that you can download. Now, how many will we all download? Probably very few. With technology advancements, all we see is money on a screen in our accounts. We never touch it, feel it, etc. We just move it around. I was never big on personal finance apps that helped me with budgeting, wealth management, investing, etc. But, there are a few apps that I’ve used and have helped me, and I know will help you.

1.) Personal Capital

I’ve talked about this app in some of my previous posts. Personal Capital is an app that can be used to keep track of all your accounts. Checking account, investment account, retirement account, debt you might have, etc. It’s a really great tool to track your personal net worth, which will give you an idea of where you’re at financially. I personally no longer use Personal Capital. I’m a bit of an Excel geek and enjoy updating my account values monthly in a spreadsheet. That’s just me. Whatever works for you. But, when I used Personal Capital I thought it was a great tool that definitely helped!

2.) Mint

Mint is probably one of the first apps I used when it came to money. Mint is great for budgeting and you can put all your accounts on the Mint app to track spending. I like mint because you can break it down into categories and see where you’re spending your money. It gives you a solid overview of areas you can work on when it comes to your spending. Mint is a free app, which makes it even better. I still use this app, and have been for years!

3.) YNAB-You Need A Budget

I’m fairly new to this app, but have been trying it out. The name says it all. It really helps you with budgeting. If you’re someone who’s never really had a budget, this would be a great app to try out first. This app is really great when it comes to tracking your monthly income and monthly expenses. I find that this software is easier to understand on the computer, but can also be used on your phone as well.

I only listed three apps above, because these are the only ones I’ve ever really used. There are a ton of apps and software out there that can better your financial life and make things much easier for you. I have found that everyone is different when it comes to managing their money. Some people don’t even use a system, and if that works for you then rock on. Finding something you’re comfortable with and can navigate easily is the first aspect you should focus on when choosing an app or software!

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This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any significant financial decisions.

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