Life is tough. There are going to be highs throughout life and many lows. What matters is what we do as humans when we experience the lows. Life is extremely sacred. Some of us can die tomorrow. Yes, I said that. We never know when our time is going to come. Every day is indeed a gift. Which leads me to my five brutal truths about life no one wants to admit.
1.) You Are Going To Die
I’ve told this to people before, but I think about death every day. Not in a sense of where I obsess over it. But, in a way that I realize my time here is limited. I really don’t know what is going to happen after I die, so I might as well take risks, be proud of who I am, and go after what I truly want out of life. I see life as an ever-evolving story of figuring out as human beings who we truly are. Realize, every day is a gift. Don’t waste it.
2.) Your Material Possessions Won’t Make You Happy
Studies confirm it. Material possessions won’t make us happy. They might give us this temporary jolt of happiness when we first experience a purchase. But, we then realize that it’s just another possession. I’m not saying it’s wrong to have nice things. I have nice things, but I know they don’t make me happy. Focus on the things that bring you pure happiness. When you’re gone, people won’t remember what you spent your money on. Sorry, but no one will actually care.
3.) Nothing Lasts Forever
You’re not here on this earth forever. There’s a possibility a relationship could end, a job, a friendship, etc. That’s okay. Just because something ended, doesn’t mean it was bad. Sometimes things aren’t meant to last, and that’s okay. I’ve found that the easiest way to realize this is by living in the present moment. When we do this, we begin to appreciate this very moment and realize how we’ll never get it back.
4.) Time Is Our Most Valuable Asset
We only have so much time every day, and for most of our life, we are exchanging it for money. We have twenty-four hours per day and three hundred sixty-five days per year. How we use it is totally up to us. Money isn’t everything in life, but it can buy us time. Money is a tool that can be used to access more time in our daily lives. But, be mindful of how you spend your time and who you’re spending it with.
5.) People Won’t Remember What You Did For A Living, But How You Made Them Feel
I’m sure you’ve heard of this saying, I know I have many times. I haven’t experienced anyone close to me dying. I’ve had family members pass who I wasn’t super close with and other people I’ve been around. But, for the people who have passed, I thought of the little times I interacted with them in the past, and what feelings I got when I was around them. That’s what you should focus on. Leaving lasting impressions on people, because that’s something people won’t forget you for.