The 10 Quotes From The Grandfather I Never Met

My grandfather (mom’s dad) passed away the year I was born. I never met him. My mom always says he got robbed. He left this earth very early in life, but I know he enjoyed it and worked hard. My grandma has these quotes in her house and I always have followed them since I was a kid. I think quotes are really great reminders for us in life, and calm us down when times get tough. 

Here we go: 

10 quotes from my grandfather

1.) Work hard 

Easy jobs don’t pay much. Working hard doesn’t always mean making more money. But, working harder and smarter will help you get to where you want to go. It’s about putting your time and effort in the right places, and managing your time appropriately. 

2.) Never give up 

There is a price for success and it’s always paid in advance. People give up too easily sometimes. It could take years before a company turns a profit. It could take years before someone lands a client. The point is to never give up. You pay for success in advance. 

3.) Realize that striving for success is like climbing a mountain 

Struggle for success not mediocrity. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Go after what you truly want. And what you truly want will be different from everyone else?—?and that’s okay! Life is a struggle, but if you’re moving in the direction you want to go then that’s great. Struggle forward. 

4.) Prepare for tomorrow but enjoy today

Success is a journey not a destination. Slowwwwww down. Seriously. Take your time. Learn how to control your time. We’re all in a rush. I’m a victim of it too! But, learn that life is a journey. And a journey that will take many twists and turns. 

5.) Ask for help

The most successful people ask for help. In school we’re taught that asking for help may be a sign of weakness. We don’t know all the answers?—?and that’s a good thing. Asking for help is a sign of leadership and should be valued. You need support on your way to the top! 

6.) Find a hero

Learn from the successful people around you. Watch what others are doing. Learn from them. Ask questions. Watch what people do, not what they say. We all need a hero in life?—?you may not even personally know them. With the digital world today, you can very well be guided and inspired online. 

7.) Be a leader 

Successful people make a habit of doing those things unsuccessful people won’t do. Stay up late. Wake up early. How bad do you want it? That’s really what you need to ask yourself. People know what they need to do?—?but sometimes fail to act on it. 

8.) Remember?—?money isn’t everything 

Money gives up options in life. It’s a tool. A tool that can be used or abused. But, we eventually have to come to the realization that when we’re no longer physically here on earth, we can’t take the money with us. Enjoy it. But, use it on the things that you enjoy and make you happy. 

9.) Be yourself

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. You are you. Always stay true to yourself. Don’t ever feel bad about the way you are. Feel sexy. Feel confident. 

10.) Forget your past mistakes and learn from today 

Start today to make a brand new ending. You can’t change the past, but what you can do is fail forward. You’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to fail. But, how you respond is what’s going to make you successful. Ask yourself, “what did I learn today?” 

Final thoughts 

I often think about legacy and what kind of legacy I want to leave when I’m no longer here. What will it look like? How will I be remembered? I know my grandpa lived a great life and enjoyed it to the fullest. Well, this article is for you Poppi. Your quotes have inspired me immensely. Thank you. 

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